Tuesday, April 19, 2005

1. Learn How to Ask

Many IT teams automatically accept that the business will not change their funding and estimation models to accommodate IT's desire for a new process. That is not acceptable. You HAVE to ask and get rejected. It is NOT ok to assume you will be turned down and therefore not even ask. ASK. If they say no, add it to the risk and issues list and move on. Also, learn HOW to ask. I recommend "Let's Get Real or Let's Not Play" (the audio CDs are fantastic) by Mahan Khalsa. Basically you ask by asking them if they have any issues with how well IT projects are meeting their estimates and what other issues they have with IT. Then we show how the four phases of the RUP help to address their issues. Once they believe it, THEN we start to talk about the changes they should expect, such as to the way estimates are done, due to RUP. I LOVE doing these, as do many of my IBM Rational colleagues, so give us a call to participate on these discussions if you would like!


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